

通讯地址:一竞技官网(办公地址: 一竞技官网文理学部测试中心C-406)

E-mail: wqchen@whu.edu.cn

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2557-8960


2013-2014:美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA),博士后(CSC Scholarship)





2019年  湖北省医学青年拔尖人才

2018年  2017-2018学年本科优秀教学业绩奖

2018年  2018届优秀学士学位论文(指导教师)

2018年  2017届优秀学士学位论文(指导教师)

2017年  湖北省老员工优秀科研成果二等奖(指导教师)

2017年   第七届一竞技官网朱裕壁医学奖

2017年   一竞技官网优秀教学研究论文一等奖

2016年   世界老员工药苑论坛创新成果二等奖(指导教师)

2015年   武汉市青年科技晨光计划

2013年   一竞技官网珞珈青年学者

2009年   上海交通大学赵朱木兰奖学金

2008年   上海交通大学优秀博士学位论文奖励基金


课题组聚焦于重要天然生物药物的生物合成与合成生物学研究,近年来,在重要类别微生物药物基因(簇)资源的发掘、酶学机理的阐明、重要抗生素工业菌株的代谢工程改造及新型杂合核苷类药物的合成生物学研究方面展开了较为系统的研究;相关成果发表在Protein & Cell、Chemical Science、Cell Chemical Biology、iScience、Metabolic Engineering、J. Biol. Chem、Biotechnology & Bioengineering、Applied and Environmental Microbiology及Microbial Cell Factories等杂志上。独立开展研究以来,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、973(重点研发计划)子课题、企业合作及其他项目等多项,并长期获邀为数个国内外主流期刊审稿人。









1. 新型双功能胸苷酸合酶的鉴定与分子机制研究,首届中国放线菌生物学与产业化研讨会,2012.12, 上海。(分组报告)


1. 德国马尔堡大学Mohamed A. Marahiel 院士

2. 美国农业部农业研究服务中心(USDA-ARS)Neil P.J. Price 博士


生物制药专业本科生: 微生物药物学;药学专业研究生: 生物药学研究进展。


1. 陈文青,邓子新,翟李鹏,程放;多氧霉素与尼可霉素杂合抗生素及其制备方法,专利号: ZL201210049728.4

2. 陈文青,祁建钊,邓子新,刘进;肽基核苷类杂合抗生素Nikkoxin E和Nikkoxin F及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201510033114.0

3. 陈文青,巫攀,邓子新,万丹,徐顾丹;喷司他丁和阿糖腺苷生物合成基因簇及其应用,专利号:ZL­­201611181302.9

4. 陈文青,高耀杰,邓子新,徐顾丹,巫攀;2’-氯代喷司他丁和2’-氨基-2’-脱氧腺苷生物合成基因簇及其应用,专利号:­­ZL201710054193.2.

5. 陈文青,孔丽媛,邓子新,徐顾丹,刘小琴,王静雯,唐曾琳;最小霉素生物合成基因簇、重组菌及其应用,申请号: 201911156223.6

6. 陈文青,张梦,邓子新,徐顾丹;吡唑霉素生物合成基因簇、重组菌及其应用,申请号: 201910708401.5.

7. 陈文青,邓子新,秦娜娜,周佳海;一种Polyoxin K高产菌株的构建方法,申请号: 201210533704.6

8. 陈文青,邓子新,程放,汪长春;多氧霉素B组分高产菌株及其构建方法,申请 号: 201310502123.0


  1. Zhang M, Kong L, Tang Z, Deng Z, Chen W*. (2020) Submitted.

  2. Gong R, Yu L, Qin Y, Price NPJ, He X, Deng Z*, Chen W*. (2020) In Revision. (*共通讯作者)

  3. Zhang M#, Zhang P#, Xu G#, Zhou W, Gao Y, Gong R, Cai Y-S, Cong H, Deng Z, Price NPJ, Mao X*, Chen W*. (2020) Comparative investigation into formycin A and pyrazofurin A biosynthesis reveals branch pathways for the construction of C-nucleoside scaffolds. Appl Environ Microbiol. 86(2). (*共通讯作者)

  4. Kong L#, Xu G#, Liu X#, Wang J, Tang Z, Cai Y-S, Shen K, Tao W, Zheng Y, Deng Z, Price NPJ, Chen W*. (2019) Divergent biosynthesis of C-nucleoside minimycin and indigoidine in bacteria. iScience (Cell子刊), 22:430-440. (*通讯作者)

  5. Xu G , Kong L, Xu L, Gao Y, Jiang M, Cai Y-S, Hong K, Hu Y, Liu P, Deng Z, Price NPJ, Chen W*. (2018) Coordinated biosynthesis of the purine nucleoside antibiotics aristeromycin and coformycin in Actinomycetes. Appl Environ Microbiol. 84(22). (*通讯作者)

  6. Liu Y, Gong R, Liu X, Zhang P, Zhang Q, Cai Y-S, Deng Z, Winkler M, Wu J*, Chen W*. (2018) Discovery and characterization of the tubercidin biosynthetic pathway from Streptomyces tubercidicus NBRC 13090. Microb Cell Fact. 17:131. (*共通讯作者)

  7. Gong R, Qi J, Wu P, Cai Y-S, Ma H, Liu Y, Duan H, Wang M, Deng Z, Price NPJ, Chen W*. (2018) An ATP-dependent ligase with substrate flexibility involved in assembly of the peptidyl nucleoside antibiotic polyoxin. Appl Environ Microbiol. 84(13). (*通讯作者)

  8. Gao Y#, Xu G#, Wu P#, Liu J, Deng Z, Chen W*. (2017) Biosynthesis of    2’-chloropentostatin and 2’-amino-2’-deoxyadenosine highlights a single gene cluster responsible for two individual pathways in Actinomadura sp. ATCC 39365. Appl Environ Microbiol. 83(10). (*通讯作者)

  9. Wu P#, Wan D #, Xu G #, Wang G, Ma H, Wang T, Gao Y, Qi J, Chen X, Zhu J, Li Y-Q, Deng Z, Chen W*. (2017) An unusual protector-protégé strategy for the biosynthesis of purine nucleoside antibiotics. Cell Chem Biol (Cell子刊). 24(2):171-181 (*通讯作者)

  10. He N#, Wu P#, Lei Y, Xu B, Zhu X, Xu G, Gao Y, Qi J, Deng Z, Tang G, Chen W*, Xiao Y*. (2017) Construction of the octosyl acid backbone catalyzed by a radical S-adenosylmethionine enzyme and a phosphatase in the biosynthesis of high-carbon sugar nucleoside antibiotics. Chem Sci. 8:444-451. (*共通讯作者)

  11. Zhao H, Wang L, Wan D, Qi J, Gong R, Deng Z, Chen W*. (2016) Characterization of the aurantimycin biosynthetic gene cluster and enhancing its production by manipulating two pathway-specific activators in Streptomyces aurantiacus JA 4570. Microb Cell Fact. 15:160. (*通讯作者)

  12. Qi J, Wan D, Ma H, Liu Y, Gong R, Qu X, Sun Y, Deng Z, Chen W*. (2016) Deciphering carbamoylpolyoxamic acid biosynthesis reveals unusual acetylation cycle associated with tandem reduction and sequential hydroxylation. Cell Chem Biol (Cell子刊). 23(8):935-944. (*通讯作者) (Featured as Issue Highlights in Cell Chem Biol)

  13. Chen W#, Li Y#, Li J, Wu L, Li Y, Wang R, Deng Z, Zhou J. (2016) An unusual UMP C-5 methylase in nucleoside antibiotic polyoxin biosynthesis. Protein Cell. 7(9):673-683. (#共第一作者)

  14. Chen W, Qi J, Wu P, Wan D, Liu J, Deng Z. (2016) Natural and engineered biosynthesis of nucleoside antibiotics in Actinomycetes. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol. 43(2-3):401-17.

  15. Qi J, Liu J, Wan D, Wang Y, Cai Y, Feng X, Wu P, Li S, Qiu G, Yang S, Chen W*, Deng Z. (2015) Metabolic engineering of an industrial polyoxin producer for the targeted overproduction of designer nucleoside antibiotics. Biotechnol Bioeng. 112(9):1865-1871. (*通讯作者) (Featured as Spotlight in Biotechol Bioeng)

  16. Chen W, Dai D, Wang C, Huang T, Zhai L, Deng Z. (2013) Genetic dissection of the polyoxin building block-carbamoylpolyoxamic acid biosynthesis revealing the "pathway redundancy" in metabolic networks. Microb Cell Fact. 12:121. (Most  accessed paper, Top 2)

  17. Xu D, Liu G, Cheng L, Lu X, Chen W*, Deng Z*. (2013) Identification of Mur34 as the novel negative regulator responsible for the biosynthesis of muraymycin in Streptomyces sp. NRRL 30471. PLoS One. 8(10):e76068 (*共通讯作者)

  18. Zhai L, Lin S, Qu D, Hong X, Bai L, Chen W*, Deng Z*. (2012) Engineering of an industrial polyoxin producer for the rational production of hybrid peptidyl nucleoside antibiotics. Metab Eng. 14(4):388-93. (*共通讯作者)

  19. Doroghazi J, Ju K, Brown D, Labeda D, Deng Z, Metcalf W, Chen W*, Price NPJ*. (2011) Genome sequences of three tunicamycin-producing Streptomyces strains; S. chartreusis NRRL 12338, S. chartreusis NRRL 3882, and S. lysosuperificus ATCC 31396. J Bacteriol. 193(24):7021-2. (*共通讯作者)

  20. Cheng L, Chen W*, Zhai L, Xu D, Huang T, Lin S, Zhou X, Deng Z*. (2011) Identification of the gene cluster involved in muraymycin biosynthesis from Streptomyces sp. NRRL 30471. Mol Biosyst. 7(3):920-927. (*共通讯作者)

  21. Chen W#, Qu D#, Zhai L, Tao M, Wang Y, Lin S, Price NPJ, Deng Z. (2010) Characterization of the tunicamycin gene cluster unveiling unique steps involved in its biosynthesis. Protein Cell. 1(12):1093-1105. (#共第一作者)

  22. Chen W, Huang T, He X, Meng Q, You D, Bai L, Li J, Wu M, Li R, Xie Z, Zhou H, Zhou X, Tan H, Deng Z. (2009) Characterization of the polyoxin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces cacaoi and engineered production of polyoxin H. J Biol Chem. 284(16): 10627-10638.