职务/职称: 教授/博士生导师,副经理(挂职),国家青年人才,武汉英才
2005.09 - 2009.06 华中科技大学,学士
2009.09 - 2012.03 华中科技大学,硕士
2012.09 - 2015.10 香港城市大学,博士
2016.02-2020.09 美国佐治亚理工学院,博士后
2020.10-至今 一竞技官网,一竞技官网,教授/博士生导师
武汉药学会 药物分析与评价专委会 副主任委员
中国医药工业杂志 编委
Chinese Chemical Letters 青年编委
Acta Medica Materia 青年编委
Pharmaceutical Fronts青年编委
BMEMat 青年编委
Frontiers in Microbiology 客座编辑
近年来,分别在Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Reviews Materials, Science Advances, Nature Medicine, Advanced Functional Materials, Biomaterials, Advanced Healthcare Materials等国际一流期刊发表研究论文30余篇;其中以第一作者或者通讯作者发表20篇 (包括1篇Nature Biomedical Engineering,1篇Nature Reviews Materials,1篇Science Advances,1篇Biomaterials,2篇Journal of Controlled Release,1篇Advanced Healthcare Materials等)。相关研究成果被全球59家媒体报道,并被Nature Reviews Materials 和Nature Biomedical Engineering杂志重点刊文评论。受邀担任Science Advances, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Nanoscale, Lab on a Chip, ACS Applied Bio Materials等学术期刊审稿人。
1.热忱欢迎对本实验室研究方向感兴趣的有志青年加盟! 欢迎具有药剂学、生物医学、化学或者生物学等背景的硕士、博士加盟,待遇从优。
1. W. Li, Jie Tang, Dennis Lee, Thomas Tice, Steven Schwendeman, and Mark Prausnitz*, “Clinical Translation of Long-acting Drug Delivery Formulations” Nature Reviews Materials,7,406-420(2022)
2. W. Li, R. Terry, J. Tang, M. Feng, S. Schwendeman, M. Prausnitz*, “Rapidly Separable Microneedle Patch for the Sustained Release of a Contraceptive” Nature Biomedical Engineering, 3: 220-29 (2019) (Highlighted by Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Reviews Materials, Science Daily and homepage of Georgia Institute of Technology)
3. W. Li, J. Tang, R. Terry, S. Li, A. Brunie, R. Callahan, R. Noel, C. Rodriguez, S. Schwendeman, M. Prausnitz*, “Long-acting Reversible Contraception by Effervescent Microneedle Patch”, Science Advances, 5 (11), eaaw8145 (2019)
4. C. Wang, G. He, H. Zhao, Y. Lu, P. Jiang*, W. Li*, Enhancing Deep-Seated Melanoma Therapy through Wearable Self-Powered Microneedle Patch, Advanced Materials, 2311246 (2024).
5. X. Jiang, Y. Jin, Y. Zeng, P. Shi, W. Li*, Self-Implantable Core-Shell Microneedle Patch for Long-Acting Treatment of Keratitis via Programmed Drug Release, Small, e2310461 (2024)
6. Y. Zeng, C. Wang, J. Lei, X. Jiang, K. Lei, Y. Jin, T. Hao, W. Zhang, J. Huang *, W. Li*, “Spatiotemporally responsive cascade bilayer microneedles integrating local glucose depletion and sustained nitric oxide release for accelerated diabetic wound healing”, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, (2024)
7. Y. Jin, Y. Lu, X. Jiang, M. Wang, Y. Yuan, Y. Zeng, L. Guo*, W. Li*, “Accelerated infected wound healing by probiotic-based living microneedles with long-acting antibacterial effect”, Bioactive Materials, 38, 292-304 (2024)
8. C. Wang#, Y. Zeng#, K. Chen, J. Lin, Q. Yuan, X. Jiang, G. Wu, F. Wang*, Y. Jia*, W. Li*, “A self-monitoring microneedle patch for light-controlled synergistic treatment of melanoma”, Bioactive Materials, 27,58-71 (2023).
9. H. Yang, X. Jiang, Y. Zeng, W. Zhang, Q. Yuan, M. Yin, G. Wu, W. Li*,“A swellable bilateral microneedle patch with core-shell structure for rapid lactate analysis and early melanoma diagnosis”,Chemical Engineering Journal, 455,140730 (2023).
10. A. Zhang, Y. Zeng, B. Xiong, X. Jiang, Y. Jin, S. Wang, Y. Yuan, W. Li,* and M. Peng*, “A pH-Responsive Core-Shell Microneedle Patch with Self-Monitoring Capability for Local Long-Lasting Analgesia”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2314048 (2023).
11. Y. Zeng#, C. Wang#, K. Lei, C. Xiao, X. Jiang, W. Zhang, L. Wu, J. Huang*, W. Li*,“Multifunctional MOF-based Microneedle Patch with Synergistic Chemo-photodynamic Antibacterial Effect and Sustained Release of Growth Factor for Chronic Wound Healing”,Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2300250 (2023).
12. M. Yin#, Y. Zeng#, H. Liu#, W. Zhang, C. Wang, C. Chen*, W. Li*,“Dissolving Microneedle Patch Integrated with Microspheres for Long-Acting Hair Regrowth Therapy”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15, 17532-17542 (2023).
13. W. Li*, J. Chen, R. Terry, J. Tang, A. Romanyuk, S. Schwendeman, M. Prausnitz*,“Core-shell microneedle patch for six-month controlled-release contraceptive delivery”, Journal of Controlled Release,347,489-499 (2022).
14. W. Li#*, S Li#, X Fan, MR Prausnitz*, “Microneedle patch designs to increase dose administered to human subjects”, Journal of Controlled Release,339,350-360 (2021)
15. X. Jiang, H. Zhao, W. Li*, “Microneedle-mediated Transdermal Delivery of Drug-carrying Nanoparticles”, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, 840395 (2022)
16. C. Wang, X. Jiang, Y. Zeng, R. Terry, W. Li*, “Rapidly separable microneedle patches for controlled release of therapeutics for long-acting therapies”, Medicine in Drug Discovery, 13, 100118 (2022)
17. M. Prausnitz*, Y. Gomaa, W. Li, “Microneedle Patch Drug Delivery in The Gut”, Nature Medicine, 25, 1471--1472 (2019)
18. Y. Lee, W. Li, J. Tang, S. Schwendeman, M. Prausnitz “Immediate detachment of microneedles by interfacial fracture for sustained delivery of a contraceptive hormone in the skin”, Journal of Controlled Release, 337:676-685 (2021)