

来源:一竞技官网admin 时间:2021-01-04 浏览次数:








2012.01-2020.08:   一竞技官网,教授、博导









1. 分子骨架的生物合成及合成生物学改造:对聚酮、含氮杂环和甾体三大类惰性碳骨架的生物合成机制和合成生物学改造进行系统的研究,发展高效的碳骨架合成和修饰方法。

2. 分子骨架的生物催化:发展生物催化方法,高效构建含氮杂环和甾体骨架。

3. 新颖天然产物的挖掘:通过基因组挖掘等方法挖掘具有新分子骨架的活性天然产物。


1. 国家自然科学基金/面上项目(31770063,2018-2021,主持)

2. 国家自然科学基金/面上项目(31570057,2016-2019,主持)

3. 国家自然科学基金/优秀青年基金(31322002,2014-2016,主持)

4. 国家自然科学基金/面上项目(31270119,2013-2016,主持)

5. 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划(NCET-12-0423,2013-2015,主持)

6. 国家自然科学基金/青年项目(30900021,2010-2012,主持)






2013:Associate member of F1000


Tian W, Sun C (co-first author), Zheng M, Yu M, Zhang Y, Peng H, Zhu D, Harmer J, Deng Z, Chen S, Mobli M, Jia X, Qu X. Efficient biosynthesis of heterodimeric C3-aryl pyrroloindoline alkaloids. Nature Communications 2018, accepted.

Li Y, Zhang W (co-first author), Zhang H, Tian W, Wu L, Wang S, Zhang J, Sun C, Sun Y, Deng Z,Qu X*, Zhou J*. Structural basis of a broadly selective acyltransferase from the polyketide synthase of splenocin. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 57, 5823-5827.

Yan X, Zhang B (co-first author), Tian W, Dai Q, Zheng X, Hu K, Liu X, Deng Z, Qu X. Puromycin A, B and C, cryptic nucleosides identified from Streptomyces alboniger NRRL B-1832 by PPtase-based activation. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology 2018, 3, 76-80. (Invited paper).

Mei X, Yan X (co-first author), Yu M, Shen G, Zhang H, Zhou L, Deng Z, Lei C, Qu X. Expanding the bioactive chemical space of anthrabenzoxocinones through engineering the highly promiscuous biosynthetic modification steps. ACS Chemical Biology 2018, 13, 200-206.

Zhu J, Tan H, Yang L, Dai Z, Zhu L, Ma H, Deng Z, Tian Z, Qu X. Enantioselective synthesis of 1-aryl-substituted tetrahydroisoquinolines employing imine reductase. ACS Catalysis 2017, 7, 7003-7007.

Zhu L, Wang S, Tian W, Zhang Y, Song Y, Zhang J, Mu B, Peng C, Deng Z, Ma H, Qu X. Stabilization of multimeric proteins via inter-subunits cyclization. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2017, 83, e01239-17.

Zhang B, Tian W (co-first author), Wang S, Yan X, Jia X, Pierens G, Chen W, Ma H, Deng Z, Qu X. Activation of natural products biosynthetic pathways via a protein modification level regulation.ACS Chemical Biology 2017, 12, 1732−1736. (Cover picture).

Peng H, Wei E, Wang J, Zhang Y, Cheng L, Ma H, Deng Z, Qu X. Deciphering piperidine formation in polyketide-derived indolizidines reveals a thioester reduction, transamination, and unusual imine reduction process. ACS Chemical Biology 2016, 11, 3278−3283.

Wang Y, Wang J, Yu S, Wang F, Ma H, Yue C, Liu M, Deng Z, Huang Y, Qu X. Identifying the minimal enzymes for unusual carbon-sulfur bonds formation in the Thienodolin biosynthesis.ChemBioChem 2016, 17, 799-803.

Chang C, Huang R (co-first author), Yan Y, Ma H, Dai Z, Zhang B, Liu W, Deng Z, Qu X. Uncovering the formation and selection of benzylmalonyl-CoA from the biosynthesis of splenocin and enterocin reveals a versatile way to introduce amino acids into Polyketide carbon scaffolds.Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015, 137, 4183-4190.

Yu M, Gao X, Dai Z, Qu X. Draft genome sequence of marine bacterium Streptomyces sp. strain CNQ431, a producer of the cytokine inhibitor splenocin. Genome Announcements 2015, 3, e01383-14.

Wang Y, Deng Z, Qu X. Characterization of a SAM-dependent fluorinase from a latent biosynthetic pathway for fluoroacetate and 4-fluorothreonine formation in Nocardia brasiliensis.F1000Research 2014, 3: 61.

Wu Q, Wu Z, Qu X*, Liu W*. Investigations into pyrroindomycin biosynthesis indicate a uniform paradigm for complex tetramate tetronate formation. Journal of the American Chemical Society2012, 134, 17342-17345.

Qu X*, Pang B, Zhang Z, Chen M, Wu Z, Zhao Q, Zhang Q, Wang Y, Liu Y, Liu W*. Caerulomycins and collismycins share a common paradigm for 2, 2’-bipyridine biosynthesis via an unusual hybrid polyketide-peptide assembly logic. Journal of the American Chemical Society2012, 134, 9038-9041.

Yan Y, Zhang L, Ito T, Qu X*, Asakawa Y, Awakawa T, Abe I, Liu W*. Biosynthetic pathway for high structural diversity of a common dilactone core in antimycin production. Organic Letters2012, 14, 4142-4145.


Li J, Qu X (co-first author), He X, Duan L, Wu G, Bi D, Deng Z, Liu W, Ou H-Y. ThioFinder: A web-based tool for the identification of thiopeptide gene clusters in DNA sequences. PLOS ONE2012, 7, e45878.

Qu X, Lei C, Liu W. Transcriptome mining of active biosynthetic pathways for natural product discovery. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011, 50, 9651-9654.

Qu X, Jiang N, Xu F, Shao L, Tang G, Wilkinson B, Liu W. Cloning, sequencing and characterization of the biosynthetic gene cluster of sanglifehrin A, a potent cyclophilin inhibitor.Molecular BioSystems 2011, 7, 852-861.

Runguphan W, Qu X (co-first author), O’Connor S. Integrating carbon halogen bond formation into medicinal plant metabolism. Nature 2010, 468, 461-464.