

来源:一竞技官网admin 时间:2021-01-04 浏览次数:





2002年- 2008年   上海交通老员工命科学技术学院,博士

2006年- 2007年   美国布朗大学化学系,博士生联合培养

1998年- 2002年   山东老员工命科学学院,本科


2015年-至今    一竞技官网,教授三级、博导

2012年-至今    合成微生物技术湖北省工程实验室,主任


2010年-2015年   一竞技官网,教授四级、博导

2008年- 2010年  美国斯坦福大学化学系,博士后


2017年      湖北省政府专项津贴、湖北省杰出青年基金;《微生物学报》优秀编委

2016年      武汉市优秀青年科技工作者;湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖

2014年      2014年度一竞技官网医学突出贡献奖;2014年度一竞技官网朱裕璧医学奖


研究领域: 合成生物学 代谢工程 新型液体燃料 微生物药物发现与高产

研究兴趣: 1. 改造微生物代谢途径生产新型液体燃料和高附加值化工原料

       2. 利用合成生物员工产稀有来源药物和药物前体

       3. 利用组合生物员工产新型抗肿瘤药物

开设课程: 本科生课程:《生物化学》《合成生物学》《药学导论》











9.国家自然科学基金主任基金(31040086, 2011/01-2013/12,主持)


2018年   Metabolic Engineering Communications, Associate Editor

2018年   生物工程学会合成生物学专业委员会委员

2017年   Biotechnology Journal, Editorial on Board

2016年  Metabolic Engineering, Editorial on Board;ACS Synthetic Biology, Editorial on Board;Current Opinion in Biotechnology special issue "Pharmaceutical Biotech 2017",Co-editor;微生物学报编辑委员会编委;微生物学会分子微生物学与生物工程专业委员会委员;生物化工专委会委员;湖北省食品药品监督管理局食品药品科技咨询专家

2015年    Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology, Editorial on Board

2014年    F1000prime, Associate Faculty Member

2013年    Frontiers in Synthetic Biology, Editorial on Board


1.The 2nd International Symposium on Zymomonas mobilis (Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology,武汉10月,2018),大会报告

2.Synthetic Biology-Resource Allocation in Natural and Unnatural Systems 2018,(上海10月,2018),大会报告

3.The 1st Synthetic Biology World Forum, 2018 –Microbial Production of Natural Products,(南京9月,2018),大会报告

4.2018 Metabolic Engineering 12,(德国6月, 2018),特邀报告(invited presentation, Featured speaker)

5.2017 Metabolic Engineering Summit(MES2017,北京10月,2017),大会报告

6.18th International Symposium on the Biology of Actinomycetes (ISBA18, 韩国,2017年5月),大会报告

7.The 13th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms, (GIM2016,武汉10月,2016),大会主旨报告(plenary talk)

8.2016 Metabolic Engineering 11 (日本6月,2016),特邀报告(invited talk, Feature speaker)


10.Cell Factories & Biosustainability 2015(丹麦哥本哈根,2015年5月),分会报告




1.Ma T#, Shi B, Ye Z, Li X, Liu M, Chen Y, Xia J, Jens N, Deng ZX, Liu T*. 2019. Lipid engineering combined with systematic metabolic engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for high-yield production of lycopene. Metabolic Engineering, 52: 134-142.

2.Bian G#, Rinkel J#, Wang Z, Lauterbach L, Hou A, Yuan Y, Deng Z, Liu T*, Dickschat JS*. 2018. A Clade II-D Fungal Chimeric Diterpene Synthase from Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Making Dolasta-1(15), 8-diene. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 57:15887-15890.

3.Mary A#, Zhang Y#, Whitney H, Wang G, Baidoo E, Liu T*, Tang Y*. 2018. Comparative Studies of Glycolytic Pathways and Channeling Under in Vitro and in Vivo Modes. AIChE Journal. doi 10.1002 / aic.16367.

4.Liu R#, Deng Z, Liu T*. 2018. Streptomyces species: Ideal chassis for natural product discovery and over production. Metabolic Engineering, 50: 74–84.

5.Ding J#, Liang H, Fu S, Liu R, Deng Z, Liu T*. 2018. Modification of E-Poly-L-Lysine In Vivo to Reduce Self-Toxicity and Enhance Antibiotic Overproduction. AIChE Journal, 64(12):4187-4192.

6.Bian G#, Hou A, Yuan Y, Hu B, Cheng S, Ye Z, Di Y, Deng Z, Liu T*. 2018. Metabolic engineering-based rapid characterization of a sesquiterpene cyclase and the skeletons of fusariumdiene and fusagramineol from Fusarium graminearum. Organic Letters, 20(6): 1626-1629.

7.Bian G#, Deng Z, Liu T*. 2017. Strategies for terpenoid overproduction and new terpenoid discovery. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 48:234–241.

8.Bian G#, Han Y, Hou A, Yuan Y, Liu X, Deng Z, Liu T*. 2017. Releasing the potential power of terpene synthases by a robust precursor supply platform. Metabolic Engineering, 42:1-8.

9.Tan G#, Deng K, Liu X, Tao H, Chang Y, Chen J, Chen K, Sheng Z, Deng Z, Liu T*. 2017. Heterologous Biosynthesis of Spinosad: An Omics-Guided Large Polyketide Synthase Gene Cluster Reconstitution in Streptomyces. ACS Synthetic Biology, 6(6):995-1005

10.Liu Z#, Zhang Y#, Jia X, Hu M, Deng Z, Xu Y*, Liu T*. 2017. In Vitro Reconstitution and Optimization of the Entire Pathway to Convert Glucose into Fatty Acid. ACS Synthetic Biology, 6(4):701-709

11.Tan G#, Liu T*. 2017. Rational synthetic pathway refactoring of natural products biosynthesis in actinobacteria. Metabolic Engineering, 39: 228-236.

12.Liu Q#, Wu K, Lu L, Cheng Y, Zhang Y, Deng Z, Liu T*. 2015. Engineering an iterative polyketide pathway in Escherichia coli results in single-form alkene and alkane overproduction. Metabolic Engineering. 28, 82-90.

13.Tao H#, Guo D, Zhang Y, Deng Z, Liu T*. 2015. Metabolic engineering of microbes for branched-chain biodiesel production with low-temperature property. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 8:92.

14.Liu R#, Zhu F, Lu L, Fu A, Lu J, Deng Z, Liu T*. 2014. Metabolic engineering of fatty acyl-ACP reductase-dependent pathway to improve fatty alcohol production in Escherichia coli. Metabolic Engineering, 22, 10-21.

15.Guo D#, Zhu J, Deng Z, Liu T*. 2014. Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for Production of Fatty Acid Short-Chain Esters through Combination of the Fatty Acid and 2-Keto Acid Pathways. Metabolic Engineering, 22, 69-75

16.Yu X#, Liu T#*, Zhu F, Khosla C*. 2011.In vitro reconstitution and steady-state analysis of the fatty acid synthase from Escherichia coli. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108(46):18643-8.

17.Liu T#*, Khosla C*. 2010. A Balancing Act for Taxol Precursor Pathways in E. coli. Science. 330:44-45

18.Liu T#, Vora H, Khosla C*. 2010. Quantitative analysis and engineering of fatty acid biosynthesis in E. coli. Metabolic Engineering. 12:378-86