
6月23日学术讲座 Guorong Sun, Ph.D

来源:一竞技官网研究生教学 时间:2017-06-16 浏览次数:

报告题目:Development and In Vivo Evaluation of Hydrophilic Zwitterionic Polymers as PEG Alternatives in Nanomedicine

人:Guorong Sun, Ph.D. 美国德州农工大学化学系

报告时间:623日(星期五)10:30--11:30 AM



Guorong Sun received his Ph.D. in polymer chemistry in 2009 from Washington University in Saint Louis under the direction of Professor Karen L. Wooley, working on syntheses and chemoselective modifications of cross-linked polymeric nanostructure as imaging and delivery agents. He continued his postdoctoral training with Professor Wooley at Texas A&M University, where he presently is a research scientist. His current research focuses on the exploration of advanced nanomedical materials for imaging-guided cancer therapy and molecular brush-based materials for the microelectronics industry.
